Friday, June 17, 2005

I'm tired..

hey.. i'm tired... it's after midnight.. anyways..
I'm back in Alaska!!! It's been great, it's really has. I'm in Anchorage hanging out with Jag right now. Well, he's asleep right now. last night we spent the night at Michael's house and stayed up almost all night playing xbox. :) It was fun.. except that now.. I'm tired.. ok, that's it.. i'm goingto sleep.. goodnight..



Pauly said...

Sup home shizzle! Ha ha, yeah... anyways, man I missed hanging out with you before you left Mt! Stinking, It just didn't work out bro! Anywho, I need to like come to Alaska for a week or something. That would rock.

blkjac said...

I will have ya'll know I only slept for an hour, micah the one how was sawing logs on the bed...