Monday, October 24, 2005

Snow.. Snowmen.. Shoveling.. Jury.. aaghhhh!!!

Well, there goes my whole week... it's monday and I've been selected for jury duty.. I'll be going to the court from 11:30-4:30 every day now... great. Well, I guess it's a good thing I haven't left for the Coast Guard yet. All the IT schools are full for the next 6 months, so I won't be able to do that unless I want to wait for 6 months before I leave... no thanks. So instead I'm going to go in as a Marine Science Technician(MST), and I'll be leaving in a few weeks. whee.
Anyways, this past weekend has been pretty busy, it SNOWED Saturday!!! Whippee!! I love Snow!! In one afternoon it dumped 6 in. of snow!! In less than 4 hours!! wow.. We went out and made some snow men.. over 7 feet tall!! yeehaa! got some pretty good pictures of them, and I think Zay got a video clip. Another thing I like about the snow is.. I get money$$.. muhahaha.. ya, I shovel the snow off the boardwalks at the elementary school, get paid $13+ an hour.. which really ain't much for the amount of labor, but oh well, I'm desperate. I NEED $$$MONEY$$$ lol... oh well.. I'm outta time, I gotta get some sleep so I can stay awake tomorrow in court.... ugh.. Good Night Ya'll.. good night... good ni.... goo..... ZZZZZZ...zzzzzz


Thursday, October 20, 2005

MusicMatchPlus test podcast

MusicMatch Plus Test Podcast


Alrighty, I'm podcasting!! sorta... lol. I'm trying to turn my blog into a podcast.. and I think it's working.. anyways..

I've been slacking again. :P It's been over a week since I last posted.. time goes by to fast. lol. Nothing much has happened, mainly just trying to finish my last college class this week. I'll be so happy when I'm done! .... Anyways, let me get back to working on this.. I think it's ready for a test....


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Wow, its been TWO WEEKS!!

Dude, I'm slacking.. like big time.. lol. What can I say, I've been busy.. I ain't sent an email to anyone since I've been home.. except the survey, but that don't hardly count. Anyways. Been really busy lately, been working on college classes, trying to get them all finished before I leave for boot camp. Also my bike got nabbed a couple days ago.. think somebody picked it out of the back of the truck, so ya, I'm on foot.. oh well. On the lighter side of things, I've got my picture in the newspaper!! For what?! Oh ya, the fire! had another fire that started friday night, we fought it from 9:30pm till after 4:00am! Didn't get home until after 6:30.. ugh. Glad I didn't have to work the next day.. but then I ended up going back to the scene that after noon for over 4 hours, because it kinda started up again. But then we had it torn down. That was pretty cool to watch.. got some video clips of it too. I'm gonna try to post those somewhere.. figure something out.. Anyways, ya, I've been busy. Oh Ya, I also got new Turnout Gear yesterday!! Finally got something other than old stuff.. and now I'm leaving town.. lol. I'll be back. I'll probably be posting some pictures pretty soon, but for now, I've run outta time, so I'll talk to ya'll later!
