Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hey ya'll

Well, hey ya'll, thought I'd go ahead and post again.. finally got the finishing touches on the Suttons Blog.. um.. what else.. got a call from Chief Durden this morning, seems that the Sector Deputy (XO) likes the idea of a reservist(me) staying in Bethel, since they have no one out here permanately and have to send people over every couple months, but with me here, that's one less person that they have to send over. yippee. Anyways, it'll be convienient for all involved, and save us all money. :) Now I just need the college to talk to me...
Oh ya.. it was raining yesterday..


Saturday, November 25, 2006

Alrighty.. Hi..

Hi, how ya'll? Ya'll miss me? Didn't think so. :P I've been slacking on my blog lately, but been working on others.. namely, Sis. Sutton's. So ya.. been enjoying myself back here in Bethel, though I still haven't heard back from the job.. But ya.. anyways.. Welcome to the Christmas Season once again everyone!!


Sunday, November 12, 2006

YeeHaa!!! I'm back!

Oh ya Baby!! I'm back at the station! Just got back from getting all my gear re-issued to me. Sweet. Oh ya, oh ya, let's hear it. :D So ya, anyways.. I'll talk to ya'll later,


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Wow.. it's late.. or early..

Ya.. it's almost 4 am.. and I'm just now going to sleep..
I've been working on the background for Sis. Nowlings blog since midnight..
I'm going to sleep... Good night world..
