Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Where's my card reader?!?!

I lost it!!! I lost it!!! AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! NNOOOOO!!!! WHERE IS IT!?!?!? phooey...
I lost my card reader.. which is why I haven't posted any pictures of my board yet... flip...
Oh well.. we're in the middle of a heat wave right now... temp's up in the high 20's.. dumped a bunch of snow on us again sunday and monday. Lots and lots of snow, yippee! more snow to go snowboarding!! That I can't post pictures of because I LOST MY CARD READER!! .. argh...
Well, I gotta go, sorry it short, I'll talk to ya'll later...


Monday, November 28, 2005

I'm in LOVE!!!!!!!!!

Ah yes, you read right, I have fallen in love... someone that'll be with me on the well-worn trails, or when I feel I need to be original.. be with me through thick and thin.. will carry me on those cold days.. one who will be held by my side as I tread the days of winter... ah yes.. I love my snowboard... what?.. snowboards aren't someones?!?! They're someTHINGS!?!?! but.. but.. I'm gonna ask it.. oh wait.. it never answers me.. wha.. they can't talk?! They can't even hear!?!? Quick, call 911!! There aren't any ER snowboard doctors!? phooey.. my poor board.. oh well.. can I still kiss it??... :P Yeah, I got a new snowboard. Got it saturday. It's a Lamar Mission, 154cm. It's black and blue, and with my gray/blue/black bindings, it looks totally awesome! I'll be posting pictures tomorrow. :)
Alrighty, NEWS: The Boyz are going to Montana on the 19th!! (except Matt, he'll be going on the 28th) We'll be down there for over 2 weeks! Hey Pauly!! Are you gonna be able to get any time off from work around New Years? We'll be leaving on the 5th. Hope we'll get to spend a little time with ya. It'd be a bummer if I traveled all that way and don't even see ya, especially since I probably won't get to be at BTI..
Anyways, I gotta go, Happy Holidays everybody!!


Thursday, November 17, 2005

ok.. today... cold..

Ya, it's been cold here... really cold, like, 40mph NNE wind, standing temp 5-10 F, windchill -20 F. br. cold. It was a blizzard last night, was snowing a little bit, and blowing a lot! lol.. woke up this morning to 1-2 foot drifts in all the wrong places.. like on the elementary school's boardwalks... ugh.. 9:00 found me halfway through a 2oft long drift about 2ft deep. I figured out that shoveling a a 3ft wide path through that would require me to move 120 cubic feet of snow, at about 1/2 cu.ft per shovelfull.. lifting at least 240 times. lol.. ya.. that was only one.. of 3.. lol.. it's a good workout if nothing else! lol. I'm crazy.. :P Anyways, now I"m sitting here getting fat, I've eaten a dozen Hershey's Hugs since I sat down to write this. :P lol. just ate another one.. lol. Well, I think that's about it..
Oh ya, podcasting.. lemme explain. Let's see.. my postcast feed is
to get that, use a podcast reader.. such as iTunes or FireAnt. If you don't have iTunes, you're a loser and you need to get it. Period. Sorry, but I gotta tell the truth. lol. Just type in the feed url, and !poof! you'll automatically get all audio and video from the podcast. Now, in the case of blogs-turned-podcast there'll also be text that you might like to read. In that case it might be better to use FireAnt. Over on my sidebar I have the 'Get FireAnt' link, so go ahead and click that, get it, install it, and then click on the green '+' and type in the feed url. Once again !poof! you will automatically get the audio/video AND the text. yeeha.. Also with fireant, you can type in a blog address, and it will give you the feed for it(all blogs automatically have a feed) and you'll automatically get the blog updates, altough unless the blog is set up for podcasting, you'll still have to manually download the media. FireAnt tells you which blog has something new, so don't gotta go check it all the time. Have fun!
Alrighty, for those blogger who have a feedburner feed, go to your blog template, and right at the beginning where it says "<$BlogMetaData$>" type
(link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="AKCameraGuy Podcast" href="" /)
(replace the () with <> or it won't work)putting your info in at the right places.. like the title and href. That way if somebody just types in your blog url one of the options that come up in FireAnt will be your podcast feed.
Alrighty, that's it for now, I'll talk to ya'll later!!


Saturday, November 12, 2005

Alrighty, Matt won!

Yup Yup, Matt won his fight, and from what I hear from everyone that was there (half the fire department) the ref stopped the fight because the other guy was getting the bloody snot beat outta him.. literally. I feel sorry for the guy, I mean, I'm glad Matt won, but feel sorry that the other guy had to fight him.. anyways..
Other news... Alrighty, ya Jenna, I leave on Jan.2, graduating the first friday of March, Cape May- NJ. That'd be cool if'n ya'll could make it! That would rock. Anybody else wanna come? The more the merrier! Anyways, I gotta go, gotta get back to work! Talk to ya'll later!!


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Alrighty.. Long time no post..

Alrighty.. where to start.. lots has happened since the last time I posted... Well anyways, everythings frozen here, it's been below freezing for over a week now, and monday it dropped to -11, with a -35 windchill!! Brrr.. it was cold. Yesterday it warmed up to about 0, and today is about +10.. not sure what the windchill is.. got a pretty good wind out there. Monday actually was a record setting low, Nov.7 has not been that cold since 1956 at -8 degrees. Did I hear someone say something about global warming?!? Hhmmm.. must be going crazy.. :P lol.
Oh Ya!! I got the Relient K Christmas CD today! It finally got hear! I love Christmas music.. lol.
Also, Matt has his first AFC fight today. Hopefully he'll win, and not get the snot beat outta him. Next time I post I'll tell ya'll how he did.
Ok, final news for now.. I've finally got confirmed ship dates!!! I'm leaving on Jan.2 for Boot Camp, Graduating beginning of March, then going to MST A School on March 20! About time!! lol... Alrighty, so, I'll see ya'll later,


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Relient K Christmas Music!!

Here's a sample of Relient K's Christmas music.. RelientK_DeckTheHalls_64kbps ...don't ask me how I got it.. lol..