Friday, December 22, 2006

Over a week and nothing happened..

Well, not exactly, just nothing really exciting. Or nothing I can tell you about. :P I love the Christmas season, so much fun, love the music, the giving, everything.. "'s the most wonderful time of the year!!!" ah yes..
Hmm.. in regards to me and my brothers mom just changed an old saying, "healthy, wealthy.. and whatever." lol. School got out yesterday so she's home now and gonna make us eat right. lol.
Yesterday night was childrens church night and we had a record breaking attendance!! two sets of twins, 4 and 5 years old, came and their older sisters.. and they all happen to be related to me! lol.
Also, our VLB Christmas Play was last sunday, and if anyone wants to see pictures of a monk, a giant, and an aussie shepherd, go to Zay's flickr site. lol.
Let's see.. anything else exicting.. news worthy.. um.. nope..

Talk to ya'll later,


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Alrighty.. real quick like..

I ain't got much time, so anyways..
I got my letter of acceptance to the flight school today! I gonna learn to fly! Sweet. Anyways, that's it and I'm out of time, talk more later!


Monday, December 11, 2006

Got some news.. finally..

I GOT THE JOB!!!! I GOT THE JOB!!! I GOT THE JOB!!! *dancing a little jig*
about time, too.. :P
Well, ya, I finally heard back from the college today, I've got the job as a "Information Support Specialist" cool. lol. Glorified help desk, more or less, plus some. lol. I can't wait, but I don't start until Jan.3, so I guess I'll have to. lol. It's all good.
So ya.. I might have more news.. but it'll wait.


Saturday, December 09, 2006


I'm sick.. ugh.. horrible cold.. first time this season.. ugh...


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Alrighty.. Busy, busy..

Well, well, well... lots'a stuff been happening lately, and I finally got a chance to tell ya'll about it..
Well, first off, Sunday night I went to sleep as usual, put my pager in the charger by my bed as always and lay me down to rest. But, alas, perfect rest was not in store for me that night, for hardly was I asleep an hour when my pager started squaking an awful racket, an I awoke to the sound of fire tones blaring outta the little black speaker at just before midnight. So happens that somebodys steambath had caught a fire, and there weren't nothing to do but call out the firefighters. My mom was also awakened by the noise and happened to give me a ride to the station, saving me a good hard run in 10 degree weather. I jumped on Medic 4 to the fire, which happened to be right next to the church. As it turned out, since it wasn't a big fire, the four of us on Medic 4 and the three that were already there(2 on Engine 3, 1 POV) were all that were needed. All in all, it was a good refresher for me, I've been out of it all for a year now, and a little fire like that was just what I needed, although the wake up I got was NOT what I needed..
I was able to get back to sleep around 2:30, and the next morning my mom woke me up at 7:45 saying that the school had called and a preschool substitute had just cancelled and that they DESPERATELY needed someone to ride the short bus RIGHT NOW!... I'm so lucky... :P
So I ended up riding the short bus yesterday and today and helping teach at the preschool (finally, kids that are the same maturity level as me!!)

So ya, anyways.. besides that.. nothing much.. no news.. phooey.. and I'm gonna go watch Pirates of the Caribbean 2 in a few hours, it's finally out on DVD, yahoo!


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Friday, December 01, 2006

New Look..

Well, I guess it's time for a new look... So here we go!!
I love Christmas, such a wonderful time of the year..
Not sure how many are familiar with the Flying W Wranglers, but that's who's singing the song. I love there music, one of my favorites.
Anyways, I gotta go,
