Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Jammin' in the lab..

Well, here I am, 10 pm, at the college waiting for my dvd to finish burning, and what better way then to test out the new speakers we got for the multimedia lab. Seems like one of the best ways to me. Let's see.. country.. pop rock.. country... jazz... country... ya Martin, the speakers work, play all types of music quite well. I like 'em.. can I have 'em? lol. It's pretty cool, being up here all by yourself, got your music and working on computers. I just finished working on Matt's Musk Ox hunt, and so now it's burning onto a disk. It's not the first time I've been up here working away all by myself and my music after everyone's gone home. course, last time it was summer and I worked till past midnight, till I literally couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. By the time I stopped I had logged 16 hours in front of the G5 that day, editing video. Ahh.. that was fun. Got a feeling I'll probably be doing that again this summer, if I work for Shane again. Well, the dvd's almost done, so I better wrap this up, I'll talk to ya'll later, See ya at BTI!
